Iryna Kovalchuk

Instructor of ashtanga vinyasa yoga. 14 years of practice experience, 10 years of teaching experience.

Two-time Ukrainian record holder for holding the plank on elbows:
2018 - 101 minutes
2023 - 122 minutes

I teach ashtanga using my own unique method in the format of a Led class, which is slightly deeper than the traditional first series and more focused on developing body flexibility.

Author of two basic online courses developed based on ashtanga yoga, which are aimed not only at body development but also at deepening the complex aspects of practice.

Favorite asana: VRISCHIKASANA (Scorpion Pose)

My sister forced me to attend my first practice session, I was completely not interested and, on the mat, I realized I was also absolutely unprepared for yoga. The body was weak, uncooperative, untrained, and inflexible. At that time, it seemed that I was capable of nothing.

It touched me so much that I quickly mastered the first series of dynamic ashtanga, which is usually practiced for years.

Now I can definitely say that nothing is impossible if you have the desire. And each practice reminds me of this once again.