Jeśli jesteś nowy/-a, zarejestruj się i otrzymasz automatycznie 1 darmowy trening na swoim koncie
Spring (-20%)
352 ₴
/ 8 800 ₴
Є-Smartass (30% donat)
500 ₴
/ 1 000 ₴
50 classes
412 ₴
/ 20 625 ₴
25 classes
440 ₴
/ 11 000 ₴
20 classes
450 ₴
/ 9 000 ₴
15 classes
455 ₴
/ 6 825 ₴
10 classes
460 ₴
/ 4 600 ₴
Top sprzedaży
5 classes
470 ₴
/ 2 350 ₴
1 class
550 ₴
“Smart Start” Package
220 ₴
/ 660 ₴
1 class - Ashtanga Soundhealing
650 ₴
10 classes - Ashtanga Soundhealing
540 ₴
/ 5 400 ₴
Corporate workouts
We can close the studio for your workout, organize a real fitness competition, offer different types of classes at your request and even throw a banquet afterwards.Everything so that colleagues are satisfied and participate in real fitness networking!